Saturday, February 9, 2013

My far

So my weekend started off with this...
Insert 3 screaming children, 2 binkies in the toilet, a few chewed up fruit snacks on the rug and you will have a pretty good picture of what it was like. Needless to say it wasn't my favorite Friday morning.

Sat started off great. We made pancakes, did laundry and started making Valentines. Then this happened...
The culprit...
Hayes was chillin in his bouncer on the floor next to us when Presli decided to stand up in her chair. She leaned against the back of it and both P and the chair fell directly on top of my sweet 6 wk old little boy. Awesome. Note to self: Get rid of kitchen chairs immediately.

He cried for a few minutes but recovered pretty quickly so I did not worry too much. Then I saw the blood coming out of his nose. Again, awesome. After a call to my handy on call ER nurse sister, I decided to take him in and get him checked. Hence...
The most adorable picture of a child in a hospital bed ever.

I am happy to say that he is home and doing well. He has three nice bumps on his head from the rungs of the chair but is acting normal and is glad to be back in his bouncy chair (away from the demon kitchen chair)

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Herculean Effort for Hayes

There really are no words for how grateful I am that everyone was able to make it for Hayes' blessing. Nate and I truly feel blessed that we have a family that is willing to go to such great lengths just for us. Driving across the country is no small thing and neither is traveling with that sweet little Robbie. It was so awesome to have the entire family together under one roof. Who needs post baby meals from the Relief Society when you can have a house full of 17 1/2 people??? The kids had a blast and I love that they will continue to have these precious memories. (even if one of Alesa's memories will be getting a shiner:)

Since then...

P has adjusted well to having a little brother. There have been a few moments where we have had to pull her off of him but she is doing great for the most part. She insists on sitting right NESK (next) to me when I feed him or hold him. Hayes is also doing really well although he is still spending a lot of time sleeping during the day and not so much at night;) I am hoping to change that as soon as possible;) He is such a little dad clone that it cracks me up when Nate carries him around. I am slowly getting used to being a mom of two and have enjoyed watching my little family grow. What a blessing it has been.

Sunday, January 13, 2013


Who is who??? My kids look exactly the same....